Showing 76 - 87 of 87 Results
The Business Associations Supplement: 2015 for use with Palmiter & Partnoy Corporations, Sec... by LoPucki, Lynn, Lynn M. LoPucki ISBN: 9781506141862 List Price: $14.50
The Readable Delaware General Corporation Law: 2017-2018 with patented VisiLaw markings by LoPucki, Lynn, Lynn M. LoPucki ISBN: 9781973808879 List Price: $8.50
The Readable Delaware General Corporation Law by LoPucki, Lynn, Lynn M. LoPucki ISBN: 9781512350265 List Price: $8.30
Business Associations: Book 1: A Systems Approach (Volume 1) by LoPucki, Lynn, Verstein, An... ISBN: 9781724581648 List Price: $14.00
The Readable Delaware General Corporation Law: 2019-2020 with VisiLaw Markings by Lynn M. LoPucki ISBN: 9781082899836 List Price: $8.50
The Readable Delaware General Corporation Law 2018-2019: VisiLaw Marked and Unmarked by LoPucki, Lynn, Lynn M. LoPucki ISBN: 9781722963385 List Price: $14.50
Secured Transactions : A Systems Approach by LoPucki, Lynn M., Warren, E... ISBN: 9798889061991 List Price: $314.00
Business Associations : A Systems Approach [Connected EBook with Study Center] by LoPucki, Lynn M., Verstein,... ISBN: 9798892073653 List Price: $314.00
Showing 76 - 87 of 87 Results - Browse more Lynn M. Lopucki in all departments
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